Thursday, 26 March 2015

Production: Photos from Set

Here are some of the photos I took on our great filming day yesterday!

Photoshooting for the couple pictures. We got many nice pictures and Alistair will be printing them off so we can use them next week and prepare my room as a film set.

Teabreak for the group, at my house in parkwood.

At the Parkwood path for the second running scene. We had quite a few curious people walk through the set and wonder what we were doing.

At Dolce Vitta to feed some ducks. Sach got a healthy wholemeal bread for the birdies. 
We also saw a seagull eat a goldfish. Yum.

 On set for the Breakup, Sun was setting and we were losing light quickly. It got pretty chilly and the ground was wet and muddy.

 Getting started on the Breakup scene

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