Last wednesday during the seminar group we decided to get the camera for the weekend and do most of our filming then. This being the easter weekend, we actually managed to book the camera out for quite a long duration.
We agreed with our actress to meet on saturday at half ten infront of the production studio, and at first the weather looked rather bleak. It had been raining a little, the ground was wet, and then our actress did not show up at first for a good two hours. Turned out she had overslept, but we waited tirelessly and long enough to manage to arrange a meeting afterall. Everyone was still in the Jennison Building, so we met back up and went back to mine for filmig.
Scheduled were the griefing scenes in my room and the opening call. We filmed that all pretty easily as they were short, simple scenes with easy pans.
The group harmonized well once more and the scenes worked pretty well. Unfortunately Alistair and Sach had only little to do that day, as most scenes simply included Sophie, and we could not have all of us in my room at one time, out of fear of crowding the place and getting in the way of the filming.
They stayed on standby anyway and helped out with anything that was needed nontheless, so we had plenty assistance on set.
The funeral-scene, in which Caitlyn returns from Adrian's funeral and begins her grieving process, was a hard thing for us to film. We gave Sophie sometime, and she used it to put herself into a sad mood. She did a wonderful job with it, and actually cried naturally during the scene, making for a quite upsetting and emotional shot. It was perfect for the shortfilm, and a little difficult to watch, but she worked very proffesionally with nicely smeared make up.
After the funeral shots, the weather turned sunny, and we decided it was best to use the sunny time we got to film the outdoors scenes. So we wrapped up in my room and went out towards elliot foothpath, where we filmed one more happy scene of the two actors climbing a tree, and went on to locationscout out a tree for the breakupscene.
Last week we had used a tree that was positioned in a very soft, swampy area, and we had issues with our shoes sinking in and the wetness getting to us. So we moved somewhere a little more stable, and repeated the scene there. It was difficult to position the actors correctly for the light to work with us, and in general framing and positioning was difficult because the actors moved a fair bit during their scene, leaving frame when panning was unintended.
Alistair and Sophie nontheless managed towards the end to really make the scene look natural. They reached for each others hands and embraced well, and the forehead-kiss looked affectionate as it should be. We are very pleased with the work our actors have done, and after a round of close ups on both characters, and a general run through from the distance, as well as special medium close ups for the hug and the kiss, we wrapped up for the day.
Our next shoot is planned for monday afternoon at 1pm, where we will finish off some argument scenes, create some audio for voice overlays, and finish the griefing scenes in Caitlyn's room. That will complete all our shots, and we can start editing afterwards, giving our post-production people around three days to finish the editing.
Overall, we spent six hours yesterday on the project.
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