Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Pre-Production: Practising Sequencing and Continuity

(Forgot to upload: This was a draft from last week, the 4th of March.)

Today is wednesday - workshop day, and we just returned from a two hour session of practising filming. We prepared a short sequence that could, as it is, be fit for the break up scene in the actual production, and filmed it outside by the pond in front of the Jennison building.

For this, we prepared a storyboard of five-six pannels, in order to practise sequencing and continuity as explained to us in the lecture today.

We soon had taken several takes of one shot, and learnt that framing a scene, and getting the actors into the right position, can take a lot of time and several attempts until an acceptable shot is taken. The soft, uneven ground also made it difficult to properly position the camera, and Cian, as our camera man, had troubles sometime in keeping the shot straight.

I myself had the opportunity to practise a little camera work - although I gladly leave that job for the camera man. 

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