Moving Image, 2015
University of Kent
Team 1
Group 3:
Nathalie Kranich NK312
Cian Hamer CH564
Sachin Ladva SL497
Alistair Hunter-Craig AH675
Oscar Ramsden OR47
Today marks the first day of my documentation of mine and my group's work on the Moving Image Module. Now that our idea is set and we can start thinking about the important decisions in the project, I am feeling quite optimistic about the shortfilm's future.
Because we started working on this before today, I'm going to use this chance to recap a little.
Here's a little bit about the group of people working on this project:
My group consists of five people, of course. I will be working with Alistair Hunter-Craig, Cian Hamer, Oscar and Sachin Ladva. At the moment we have no assigned roles, but no which one of us would prefer working in which area of the project.
I personally hope to work a lot with the script and the story board, supervising the narrative and help to tell it in a succesful way. That may include producing or directing.
Sach has already expressed an interest in editing, as has Alistair, and Cian wishes to work mainly as the camera man.
The roles will most likely be changed around as we see fit, mainly of course because we all need to acquire some skill with the software and the equipment.
The Project:
"The Greatest Day" is the Theme of 2015's Moving Image Short film, to be filmed in its entirety on Campus. The shortfilm may be no longer than 3 minutes, but should exceed 2 minutes.
The criteria appeared a little limiting as first, and the time limit may still become a large issue once the script is written and we find that scenes may take longer than originally intended.
With the idea we have settled for, it will be possible to shoot on Campus only, and the film will not be impacted at all by that restriction. As for the theme, we met up as a group on thursday the 22nd of January and put forward a few ideas.
Our Favourites:
1. Transient - or the Ghost story.
A shortfilm about a girl that recently lost her boyfriend in a car accident. Their relationship had been troublesome as of lately, but upon his sudden departure from life she is hit hard by grief in all its five stages. Just when she is starting to accept the fact that he is gone, however, he suddenly appears back in her life. It seems like no one else can see him - a ghost come back to haunt her. At first, she is angry. All the suffering she had endured at his loss was bound to be repeated if he was to leave her again. But as the day progresses, they get a chance to finally set aside their difference and make the most out of their last day together. They are able to say goodbye, something that had previously been denied to them. In the end of the shortfilm, he disappears again, leaving the viewer and protagonist unsure of whether he had really returned for her, or whether he had just been an image projected by her hurt mind in order to heal itself.
2. Drowning in Advertisement.
A man wins a great day, some sort of special experience, and returns from it ecstatic about it. When he receives a phone call politely asking whether he was alright receiving some advertisements and newsletters, he absentmindedly consents.
In the following day to come, however, advertisements keep bothering him, but not in the conventional way. He finds people in his home, explaining and offering products to him. Strangers suddenly dress him in the newest fashion, even what he eats is decided by strange voices coming from the ceiling, and weirdly dressed women smiling. The focus of his life starts to be about the product, and not about himself, and as the short film progresses he becomes more and more dehumanized and captured in this world of advertisement, where individualism doesn't matter.
3. Long wanted fame - Be careful what you wish for.
Also originally an idea Alistair had. A young man or woman go to bed after posting on a social network, wishing to themselves that they would get more recognition for their work and achieve fame. When he/she wakes up in the morning, he has several hundred thousand likes on his work. People on the street start noticing him, and he is at first feeling this would be his best day yet. But as the day progresses he is deprived more and more of all privacy and worth as a human being, and becomes followed by more and more fans that wish for his attention, and yet don't care for his individual being at all. They become a disturbance, and at the end of the day he gains nothing but diststress from his newfound fanbase. His fans are sure enjoying their day though.
We had of course some further ideas, but decided on the three above as our favourites. The project we will be working on is number 1, and I am quite proud that the group decided to vote for my idea. We had discussed every single idea thoroughly, weighing the pros and cons and developing it further, so that in the end everyone of them seemed like a work of our own. I believe we would have been enthusiastic for every one of these ideas, but decided that the story about the ghost returned was the most sensitive and dramatic topic, and most likely to engage the viewer emotionally.
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